Lemonwood Grove School was the first in a line of school projects delivered by Concision Panelised Technology (now called Innofab).
Offsite Design has been engaged for comprehensive DigiBuild™ services modelling the school for fabrication by the Concision factory. In total 200+ wall and roof panels.
Unique about this project (as any good OSM project) was the early involvement working with designers and the attention to early DfMA while design was still flexible and overall size and panel buildup could be optimised for the Concision factory.
The roof panels were installed by crane and builders on scissor lifts only, without roof access required, which simplified H&S and significantly sped up assembly. Convincing the contractor of this construction methodology in the process.
Overall, this project is testament to the success of OSM where the required level of DfMA is put in early.
Builder: Southbase
Architect: Stephenson&Turner
Engineer: Lewis Bradford
Prefabricator: Concision (now called Innofab)

Metalcraft roofing