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For Fabricators

Coordinated fabrication models, shop drawings, machine files, and factory support to allow your manufacturing operation to perform.

fabrication models

We handle fabrication modelling and trade coordination – so you don’t have to.

Shop drawings & machine files

We speak your factory’s language: BTL, WUP, BVX, BVN, and more.

OSM product and factory 

We help you engineer the best possible OSM product and factory. Across all timber systems.

Coordinated shop drawings and fabrication models

Offsite Design are specialists in Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA), timber fabrication modelling and shop drawings, including in machine-readable formats to drive your automated equipment: Weinmann, Hundegger, Randek, and more.

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Planning for an OSM product or factory

OSM factories are manufacturing operations and need to be carefully engineered around your desired product range. From Product to Process. Supplier independent.

No matter whether you’re a start-up or already in production, we help to develop your prefab system, standard details, and then tailor the factory around your product.

You can only hit your strides when working with a well designed factory.


Our Expertise

Our team have hands-on experience working in and on factories in New Zealand, Germany, and Australia.


Who we've worked with

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Take your OSM factory to the next level

Discover how Offsite Design can optimise your output. 

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